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Crafted by International Artists

100% hand painted and signed by the master


14-Days Refund Policy

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Superb details

Like nothing you have seen before. Textures that pop out giving a 3D feeling to it.


We let our reviews speak for themselves.

4.98 average
900+ reviews

The painting is really magnificent. We are overjoyed with it! Thank you so much for all the hard work you put on making it!

Armani S., Kentucky, US

The artwork is just stunning. The delivery was on time. We are really pleased with our transaction and would buy again!

Marco M., New Mexico, US

Bought "8th Avenue"

It is the best way to bring nature and warmth to our home. The atmosphere this painting brings is absolutely refreshing. Thank you Radikal Homes!

James Ward, Colorado, US

We were very surprised when we got our order and opened it. The colors and the texture look simply beautiful. It complements our living room!

David Garcia, California, US

It definitely has improved our interior forever. We hung it in our hallway and guests ask everytime where I got it from! We love it. Thank you so much!

Ana K., Virginia, US

We have no words for this painting. It looks way better in real life than in the pictures. All the family loves it!

John Peterson, Virginia, US
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